Sunday, January 27, 2013

Aion 3.5 finally lands on EU servers today

   While North American Daevas have been enjoying all the goodies that came with Aion 3.5 since last October, folks across the pond had to continue to wait for their turn. Now, though, the wait is finally over as Gameforge has released patch 3.5 on the European servers. EU Daevas can get their PvP on in new arenas, enjoy special legion quests (along with a legion level cap increase to eight), and dive into new dungeons like Tiamat's Stronghold. Players wanting a break from the adventuring side of life can take part in the new village improvement process to get new housing designs and add NPCs to the neighborhood.

   Get a glimpse of Tiamat as she awaits you in the trailer after the break, then hop in game to face her for yourself!Cheap Aion Kina world of warcraft gold

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why RuneScape has a Future...


     Between all the negativity and other screams of, "See, this is why RS will be dead in a year!" I thought it was high time to take a different look and provide something of a counter-argument.

     What is one of the most common complaints? Well, besides yet another training spot being swarmed by bots, it's always been that some recent update has ruined some aspect of the game, or some evidence of Jagex being in serious trouble.

     But the same updates that ruin the lives of so many shut-ins also bring back people who quit long ago. Most people who subscribe to RuneScape (about 1.3 million now) have invested enough time in it, and made enough progress with their characters to check back with the game after a while.

    The EoC is a perfect example of this. Many people couldn't adjust to the new combat system and either quit, or stopped using combat altogether, something that is now painfully visible in the PvP clan world. But others liked it enough to return to RuneScape, sometimes helped by the fact that this combat system is more like the ones seen in similar games like World of Warcraft.

   While you can definitely point out the more destructive updates when looking back, it's hard to say if it had any significant impact on the game at all. Subscriber numbers occasionally dip but the general trend is still upwards.

   So people keep coming back to this game, but are the updates the only reason? Most games you will eventually complete. Sure, RuneScape is always changing, and there is something new to do almost every week. But is that all?

   Some people take it for granted these days, but saving your progress is done automatically. Even when X-ing out, whatever you did last (provided you're not about to be mauled to death) and wherever you did it is what you'll find next time you start playing. And you can start playing from the other side of the world without the need for an elaborate installation process.

   Yes, other games have that too, but RuneScape is a little more elaborate than Angry Birds.  sell  rs cheap powerleveling

   Sadly, RuneScape is still missing a vital element that the previously mentioned games do have. World of Warcraft and Angry Birds are mainstream enough that you can talk about it at parties without looking like a massive awkward idiot. But how many times have you gone red-faced when someone asked you what you were doing with all those hours spent online? Or did you just lie about it?

   I wonder what would happen if RuneScape was advertised during the evening news, rather than just on Cartoon Network. Or if they got someone to plug RS that HASN'T already been employed by Blizzard. Seriously, the list is endless, and it looks like they hired every single reject from the first Expendables movie.

   While 10 million subscribers is probably Mark Gerhard's wet dream, judging how people spend their money these days, I think that the F2P worlds would see the most traffic increase. But all it takes is for RuneScape to be mentioned once in the next viral music video of Gangnam Style proportions for the servers to be unreachable for a week.

   Speaking of reachability, isn't it annoying that you have to fire up your laptop before you can log in to spin the Squeal?

   Last we heard from MMG, he was "... happy to report that we also have a dedicated Future Tech team working on bringing the game to your favourite tablets, platforms and even smart TVs in due course..."

   Playing RS on my smartphone.
   Say what you want about the competition, but World of Warcraft, Skyrim, League of Legends, Guild Wars, you name it. None of those games are actually working on getting their stuff off of your computer, and on to your TV and hand held devices. They are investigating it, sure. But in business terms that means nothing but procrastination.  Buy Runescape Items

   In the end, none of this should come as a surprise to any of you. Anyone who's played RuneScape long enough knows that the game will always be there for them when they feel like playing it. The twist is this time is not about whether or not you are still playing "your" RuneScape, it is about HOW you will be playing RuneScape.

   Happy New Year, everyone. May 2013 guide you to calmer waters.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Guild Wars 2's Wintersday is Here

    It's finally here! Oh joy, Wintersday is here! The snow machines have begun to cover the ground with snow, the presents are out, and the candy canes are ready for eating! ArenaNet has kicked off the huge holiday event in the world of Guild Wars 2, and it's been a blast.

    Much like the Halloween event in October, ArenaNet has changed the face of Lion's Arch to fit the holiday feel. The ground is covered with snow, and presents are laying around at every corner. Players are also sporting a nice new look, with a town outfit that would keep anyone warm in the cold. Other players are showing of their brand new Wintersday weapon skins, which can now be purchased separately. This is a very welcomed change, but I do wonder if 200 gems are a bit much for a single weapon skin. But at least you now have a chance to get exactly what you want without having to go through hundreds of random loot boxes. Some players are even finding their desired weapon skins in their gifts.(1)

    It would seem that a new jumping puzzle will indeed be introduced for each holiday. Wintersday throws players into the mystic forge, which is now a huge snow globe, for them to test their jumping abilities. Players must jump on snow flakes, candy canes, and exploding presents over a snowy forest to reach their goal. The pressure is on as the snow flakes begin to melt, and your health slowly drops.

   It seems that the puzzle would be easier than the Mad King's Clock Tower, and it is. You aren't in nearly as much of a rush, and most of the jumping surfaces are pretty big. ArenaNet also split the players up a bit, by taking a large group, and sending them on 3 separate paths. All the paths do connect at the half way point, but the first time jumpers will have fallen by then, so large groups aren't that big of a problem this time around.(2) buy or sell GW2 items

    Another welcomed change was in the waiting area itself. Piles of snowballs offered you a chance to take out your frustrations by beaming snowballs at other players. It keeps you occupied enough ‘til it’s time to start jumping again. Overall it's a vast improvement from the Clock Tower. It only took me 7 tries to conquer it. I'd say all those years of playing Mario games have paid off.

   ArenaNet threw in a really nice PVP map, and it's just what I wanted! Players are placed into two teams, and forced to fight over gifts, armed with only the snow. You can pick between a number of skill sets. I went with a support set, allowing me to construct snow wall barriers. I could also freeze the ground beneath the enemy's feet, watching them slip and fall on their butts. My favorite skill had to be the ability to turn my character into a huge snowball rolling around trampling other players, bringing chaos to their ordered tactical strikes. I wish real snowball fights were this much fun.(3) cheapest dekaron dil  cheap wow gold

    A big item on my Wintersday wish list was to play through a Wintersday themed dungeon. Tixx is an amazing toy maker, but he needs help. A large group of Skritt decided to be a bunch of Grentchs, and ruin Wintersday. Players have to help keep the Skritt threat under control. And just when you think your job is done, the toys themselves start to get a bit glitchy. The dungeon is pretty basic, taking place all in one room, giving players numerous tasks to complete in order to keep operations running smoothly.

   ArenaNet has posted a schedule for when and where Tixx will visit, and so far it seems he will be visiting a major city everyday until 20th, where he will remain at Lion's Arch until the 3rd of January. When he visits a new city it adds tasks in the dungeon. Based on the new tasks, you get rewards to build yourself a new toy. For example, let's say one day you help paint some princess dolls. After completing the dungeon, you're rewarded with parts to help you build a princess doll. What’s Wintersday without toys?  Cheap Ragnarok Online2 Zeny     Ragnarok Online 2's

   I feel like every wish on my Wintersday list has been granted. It’s only been 3 days into the event and there’s still much more fun to be had. If you haven’t yet, get your friends together, and some may be able to get family members as well, and join in on the holiday festivities. The holidays are always better with others. What do you think of Guild Wars 2's second holiday event so far? Are you enjoying the fact that it's much more available at ranging times of day? Let us know in the comments!